Newton Calendar. See it in action

Newton Calendar for iOS

Email & Calendar go hand in hand for true mobile productivity

Umesh Gopinath
Paper Planes
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2017


Calendar is the biggest feature request we have ever received for Newton from day one. Many our users got access to their email on mobile only after Newton; but a proper calendar sync on mobile was one thing that eluded them for a long time.

2 years ago, our Android team set out to build a Calendar, when our Apple team was busy building the Mac app. Even though Calendar was bolted on to the email app on Android, it was treated like a standalone app for all practical purposes. In no case we wanted to pollute the simplicity of the email section and bloat the experience. But it had problems. As calendar was accessible only from the navigation bar of the email app, there was no easy way to multi task with calendar while composing an email or reading one. I had to literally quit email to go to calendar and then come back to email and navigate back to whatever I was doing. It’s cumbersome, but at the same time adding it as a tab in Inbox, like other email apps, was also not solving it. After using it for some time we realised that the calendar should be a separate app that can be used in parallel with email.

Introducing Newton Calendar for iOS

Newton Email & Calendar — Part of the same picture.

Designed to be lightweight, the Calendar app is complementary to the Email app. As a separate app, it allows you to easily do the back-and-forth with email. You can directly go to Calendar from home screen. It doesn't bloat the email app and gives you the choice to pick the right calendar solution that suits you. It also allowed us to explore a new design language for a modern calendar on mobile.

In true Newton style, we took a step back for the Calendar also 🙂. The traditional calendar interface has been re-imagined with subtle design improvements to become less, but better.

Schedule, Create event, View event with quick actions. See it in action.
  • ‘Schedule View’ helps you plan better; know about your upcoming events and free slots with a quick glance.
  • Quickly add events - just tap on the date, type the time and event title and hit ‘Done’.
  • No more long “sequential forms” for adding events. Add location, people and other details with ease in any order.
  • It’s optimized to work well when on the move. E.g notify the organizer when you’re running late for a meeting or if you cannot make it; with just a tap.
  • Reliable notifications and actions ensure that you don’t miss out on anything.
  • Access multiple calendars in one place. Manage any number of Gmail, Google Apps, and Exchange (EWS) calendars.

It’s a start; we believe that we have got the basic premise right. We’ll keep polishing it. A lot of nice little touches that we have in the Android app are still missing on iOS. Also a Today widget. They are all coming soon.

Use it, give it some time, and let us know how you feel. We have to also separate the Calendar on Android, sometime. And yes, there’s calendar for the Mac too in the roadmap.

You should be a Newton user to use the new Calendar app. If you are logged into Newton Mail on iPhone, just install Newton Calendar app and it will start syncing your events. No setup required.

No Newton account? No worries.

Download Newton mail app today and sign up for a 14-day free trial. Newton is a beautiful email app supercharged with features like Read Receipts, Tidy Inbox, Send Later, Snooze & now a Calendar for modern-day business. Available on Mac, Windows, iOS & Android.

One more thing — Clap, Follow & Follow :-)

