Avoiding the Trap of Productivity Apps

They won’t fix everything!

Francesco D'Alessio
Paper Planes


As someone who reviews productivity apps in my spare time, (Ironic, I know) I help people to find the right productivity application for them, saving them time, money, and effort. I tend to get a tonne of comments, emails, and queries on a weekly basis about finding the new productivity apps for them.

Despite my love for helping people to find those gems, I do try and reiterate, that it’s not the tools that make you, but the actions you take. A simple mantra, but one that many skip past when they dive into finding their productivity applications.

There’s a trap out there for many getting started, lots of choice, a range of features and a host of introductory prices/rates to tempt us to switch.

With this article, I wanted to address this issue in the space and bring together some advice for picking the right resource for you so that don’t fall into the trap of productivity apps.

Why People Change Apps

The psychology behind this is simple.

Like a professional cyclist, they upgrade their bikes as they progress in their career. Some bikes are better for some terrains, others for types of weather.

Although it’s seconds/minutes they save, they see this over the long journeys that they embark on. Our minds are the same with productivity apps. We grasp the best resources and continue to change in order to find the “bike” that best suits our style of work/or period of work in our lives.

Gary Vaynerchuk puts things very well with his Roger Federer analogy.

The Problems with Switching

Switching comes with many flaws.

The switch brings a transfer of all your data. This is like moving house. The move isn’t going to be easy and there are chances that you’ll lose things as you move things over.

Changing on a regular basis isn’t very healthy. Setting up a base and fine tuning your workflow will be tougher to do when you switch apps.

What’s a Healthy Recipe?

Productivity apps won’t fix everything, but they are simply the pillars to getting started. The best advice to give would be to minimise the amount of resources you use and spend healthy time researching before committing.

There’s no trap in using productivity apps, just thinking that they’ll solve all of your problems.

Use one of the best email applications in the space, Newton

Newton is one of the leading email apps on iOS, Mac, Android & Windows, providing powerful features like Read Receipts, Undo Send and even Tidy Inbox to reduce clutter, you’ll be at Inbox Zero in no time.

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